International Hearing Dog, Inc.

IHDI's mission is to train and place hearing dogs with persons who are deaf or hard-of-hearing, with and without multiple disabilities, at no charge to the recipient.

IHDI is a non-profit organization funded by donations.


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How Can I Help IHDI? Crafts Needed Wish List
Memorials & Honorariums Silent Partner The Store Order Form


International Hearing Dog, Inc. - Helping HandsHow Can I Help IHDI?IHDI phone2.jpg

  • Include IHDI in your will or other form of bequest.

  • Become a Silent Partner and sponsor a hearing dog.

  • Shop at Internet sites that benefit IHDI.

  • Make a monthly or annual tax deductible donation to IHDI.

  • Urge your youth, service, or kennel club to support IHDI.

  • Donate treats, toys or a new or used crate to IHDI.

  • Let a person with hearing loss know about IHDI.

  • Organize an event to benefit the hearing dogs.
  • Make a secure donation online

Make A Donation Securely Online

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Crafts Needed

International Hearing Dog, Inc. patch.jpg IHDI needs crafts for our craft table here at the facility. Tour groups and visitors enjoy your handiwork. All proceeds from the craft table sales help us to train and place more hearing dogs.

If you have craft items to donate, please drop them by or send them by mail.
International Hearing Dog, Inc.
5901 E. 89th Avenue
Henderson, CO 80640

You'll be helping a hearing dog find its way to its new owner.

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Wish List

International Hearing Dog, Inc. april.jpg

The below items are great "gifts" for our hearing dogs:

  • Small Milk Bones
  • Treats (Pup-peroni's and Snausages)
  • Stainless steel buckets - 4 & 6 quart size
  • Any dog toys
  • Nylabones & Gumabones (wolf & souper size)

  • Small rawhides
  • Metal grooming combs
  • Medium size crates

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Memorials & HonorariumsInternational Hearing Dog
International Hearing Dog, Inc. dogpv.jpg

Remember family, friends and pets through memorial and honorarium contributions to IHDI, which further the training and placement of hearing dogs. Names are engraved on a plate and placed on the respective Memorial Board. Honorariums commemorate birthdays, anniversaries, graduations and other memorable events, and are listed in the newsletter.


Make A Donation Securely Online

If you prefer to mail your donation in, here is the address:

International Hearing Dog, Inc.
5901 E. 89th Avenue
Henderson, CO 80640

If you'd like your gift as a memorial or honorarium, please use this form and let us know whether your donation is being made online or via mail.

Donation Amount:

Received From:


City: State: Zip:



In Honor of:    In Memory of:

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Silent Partner

Silent Partners make gifts that last a lifetime.


It could be one person, a group of people, a service club, or a school group, but they all have one thing in common: the commitment to fully sponsor a hearing dog for a deaf or hard-of-hearing recipient.

As a silent partner, you will receive periodic reports about your dog, including a photo of the dog as it enters training, information about the recipient or family selected to receive the dog, and news of the team's certification.

Sponsorship can be completed in one-two-, or three-year time periods with donations on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis.

Make a better life possible for a wonderful dog and its deaf or hard-of-hearing master through a tax deductible Silent Partner sponsorship. It will make a world of difference in the life of a hearing dog team. Simply fill out the form below and submit - we'll do the rest!

Silent Partner Request Form


City: State: Zip:



My regular donation amount:

I will donate every:

My first donation amount is:

You can make your donation securely online using the button below, or mail your donation to:

International Hearing Dog, Inc.
5901 E. 89th Avenue
Henderson, CO 80640

Make A Donation Securely Online

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Donation Schedule One Year Two Years Three Years
Annually $5,000 $2,500 $1,667
Semi-Annually $2,500 $1,250 $834
Quarterly $1,250 $625 $417
Monthly $417 $208 $139

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The Store Order Form

Order Products from IHDI:



City: State: Zip:



Please calculate each item:

BOOK: "As I Remember It" by Martha Foss
$10.00  x   How Many? =   $ Total of Item

$2.00  x   How Many? =   $ Total of Item

International Hearing Dog, Inc. pawprintearrings.jpg
$15.00  x   How Many? =   $ Total of Item


$5.00  x   How Many? =   $ Total of Item

HOLIDAY CARDS (pack of 12)
$5.00  x   How Many? =   $ Total of Item

NOTECARDS (package of 6)
Mr. Colorado
$5.00  x   How Many? =   $ Total of Item

Paws Across America - $4.00
Paw Print - $4.00
20th Anniversary - $4.00
Rockies - $3.00
 How Many? =   $ Total of Item

POLO SHIRTS - Shirt Colors & Sizes
International Hearing Dog, Inc. poloshirt.jpg
Royal Blue: 
$20.00  x   How Many? =   $ Total of Item

Blue with IHDI Logo
$10.00  x   How Many? =   $ Total of Item

20th Anniversary - Blue 
Special Friend - Gray 
$10.00  x   How Many? =   $ Total of Item

Thank you for calculating your total!

Total Price of Items: 

Please mail your payment to:

International Hearing Dog, Inc.
5901 E. 89th Avenue
Henderson, CO 80640

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